
Clarity i ching
Clarity i ching


On August 22, Mercury-your celestial ruler-will harmonize with transformative Pluto which will present you with an opportunity to pursue a more taboo desire you might have. You’re the reason for the season, Virgo! Now that the sun is now glimmering through Virgo, you have the passion, enthusiasm and confidence to move forward (and feel highly productive in the process).


Read Your Full Taurus Horoscope For August 2022 What is genuinely fulfilling you? Bring more of that into your life.


This means it’s time to investigate what is and isn’t working in your professional life and your personal life. Last but certainly not least, your celestial ruler, Venus, will be making a direct opposition with Saturn retrograde on August 28. The new moon in Virgo on August 27 is a wonderful opportunity to start, so be sure to set your intentions. Are you ready to follow your heart’s desires, or solidify a creative skill? You’re grounding your ideas and finding practical solutions in the changes that have occurred recently. Uranus will also station retrograde in Taurus on August 24, which may feel like the calm after the storm. Some of you may even feel the urge to relay an important message, because Mercury will trine Pluto on August 22, strengthening your perception and ability to identify important details. As the sun shifts into your sister-sign Virgo and brings energy and vitality to your fifth house of love, passion, pleasure and self-expression, you’re not only feeling yourself, but you’re also indulging in the creative process.

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You’re back in your element and you’ve never felt better, Taurus. The Astrology Of Princess Diana Sheds Light On Her Mysterious Death & Her Unforgettable Life

clarity i ching

These 3 Zodiac Signs Will Have The Worst Week (& They're Probably Feeling More Disorganized Than Usual) Your Weekly Horoscope Wants You To Embrace The Power Of Virgo Season, Because It's All About Self-Care Is it your second house of spending habits, or perhaps your seventh house of one-on-one relationships? Either way, this is where the sun will energize and revitalize you from now until September 22. There’s a seasonal shift at play this week, so be sure to pay attention to synchronicities! If you want to get to the bottom of how Virgo season will affect you, find out which astrological house belongs to Virgo in your birth chart. Time to hunker down and get organized, because the sun is officially entering Virgo! Also-not that there’s ever been such a thing as coincidences in astrology-what are the odds that Virgo season starts around the same time as the hustle and bustle of going back to school? If you’re wondering who the zodiac signs who will have the best week of August 22 to 28 are, it comes as no surprise that they happen to be earth signs.

Clarity i ching